new RDStationForms('pt-form-askflow-7fe18e00fe4d947ffe20', 'UA-109268913-1').createForm();
Reach a huge number of travelers at once
Use unlimited templates for different levels of personalization
Assign chats to the right agent with intelligent labels
Keep a keen eye on all related metrics
Boost response time by combining this feature and our AI assistant
Import lists and send up to 1000 texts at once
Send out a campaign to customers who’ve left a booking cart behind.
Follow up with customers who’ve started a conversation with the chatbot.
Use your CRM tool to segment VIPs or regular guests and create a package just for them.
Upsell products or add-ons to guests booked for a specific holiday.
Gain agility with templates you can send to travel agencies and partners to keep the relationship strong.
Wedding anniversaries, birthdays, seasonal offers send tailor made messages directly to guests' cellphones and bring them back.
Facebook is the #1 communication channel for US travelers
Be available 24/7 where nearly 3 billion potential guests are
“Asksuite’s WhatsApp Business Bulk Message Campaigns brought attributes we truly value and have adopted in the hospitality industry, such as agility, precision, and results. It took us 24 hours to formulate, implement, and compute results from a campaign. We used a last-minute mass communication campaign about a deal we were celebrating. We had a great ROI. Our shareholders love it. “
Get the insiders’ view of how our omnichannel platform works and how it is integrated to WhatsApp Bulk Messages.
I’d like to talk to a representative to integrate this upgrade into my existing product.
new RDStationForms('pt-form-askflow-7fe18e00fe4d947ffe20', 'UA-109268913-1').createForm();