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Maria Carolina Rosa

September 27, 2024

Hospitality technology

Hospitality technology: how to optimize your hotel’s operations from price quote to post-stay



The hospitality industry is undergoing a profound transformation over the last few years. Travelers’ and guests’ behavior is what’s driving this shift to the digital era in a sector previously known for its traditional practices i. Nowadays, it’s undeniable that hotels all around the world must count on hospitality technologies to manage their daily operations effectively.

According to a recent Hotel Tech Report survey, 39% of hoteliers believe that technology’s primary role is to increase operational efficiency. Not only can tech tools simplify daily activities making your team more efficient, but they can also enhance your guests’ experiences and increase your hotel’s revenue when implemented correctly.

There’s no doubt that leveraging tech is crucial for staying competitive in a sector that faces an ever-growing demand every year. Without the right tools, how is your business supposed to handle this growth effectively?

Want to learn more about hospitality techs, which ones are available in the market and a quick guidance on how to implement them in your hotel in every step of your guests’ journey? Keep reading!

What’s hospitality technology?

Hospitality technology covers a range of digital tools and systems designed to enhance and streamline various aspects of hotel management. From reservation systems and guest service platforms to data analytics and automation, these solutions are geared towards improving every aspect of a hotel’s operations. 

By implementing such tools, hoteliers can:

  • centralize interactions with travelers;
  • manage bookings in a organized way;
  • optimize check-in/out processes;
  • personalize message flows.

The key is working smarter, not harder—using less manual effort for routine tasks. Hotel technologies are meant to free up your team to focus on strategic, revenue-generating activities while allowing specialized tools to handle repetitive tasks.

Do you know what the main hospitality tech tools are and how they can maximize your operations? Let’s explore them!

What are the main hospitality technologies available?

With so many tools on the market, it can be a bit overwhelming. That’s why we’ve highlighted the key ones to help you navigate the world of hospitality tech and start using it effectively.

Several technologies have already proven their value in the industry and are worth exploring.

  1. AI-Driven Chatbots

These intelligent systems provide instant responses to travelers inquiries, handle booking quotes, facilitate reservations, and offer valuable info about your hotel’s policies. AI chatbots can significantly reduce response times and free up staff to focus on more complex tasks, like negotiations or strategic planning.

For example, Asksuite’s AI Reservation Agent responds to travelers in their native language, making the first contact smoother and more efficient.

  1. Omnichannel Platforms  

Omnichannel platforms integrate multiple communication channels into one interface, allowing hotels to interact with guests through their preferred methods—whether it’s WhatsApp, social media, or email—all from a single dashboard.

Ensure the platform you choose offers smart dashboards with reliable data, so you can:

  • track which channels drive more direct bookings;
  • identify top performers on each channel;
  • understand the balance between human and AI interactions.
  1. WhatsApp APIs  

With WhatsApp being one of the most popular messaging apps worldwide, WhatsApp APIs enable hotels to engage with travelers and guests in real time, sending the right messages at the right time.

Asksuite offers an official WhatsApp integration, helping hotels increase their direct booking conversion rates by up to 112%. Impressive, right?

  1. Personalized message flows 

These tools allow you to send tailored messages based on guest information, which can be extracted from your PMS, spreadsheets, or other third-party systems. By analyzing this data, you can send personalized offers, reminders, and recommendations, enhancing the guest experience without overwhelming your staff.

With AskFlow, Asksuite’s recent launch, you can create automated message flows customized to your hotel’s specific needs. It enables you to:

  • send check-in/out information;
  • share hotel policies;
  • offer amenities;
  • provide vouchers to returning guests;
  • and more!

Request a demo to learn more about this cutting-edge tool!

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5. System integrations 

For all these technologies to work efficiently, it’s essential that the systems you use are integrated.

For example, you can integrate:

  • your hotel’s channels with an omnichannel platform
  • your message automation tool with a PMS
  • your AI Reservation Agent with a booking engine

Seamless integration ensures a smooth flow of data and coordination across departments, enhancing operational efficiency and accuracy.

Now that you know the key hospitality tech tools, let’s look at how to apply them to your daily operations to increase revenue and optimize efficiency throughout the guest journey.

5 practical ways to leverage technology in your daily operations from price quotes to post-stay

We’ve outlined five practical ways to implement hospitality technology in your hotel, from booking quotes to post-stay engagement. These tips will help you see results quickly while minimizing disruption to your team.

Let’s check them out!

1. Simplify booking quotes 

Implementing AI-driven chatbots coupled with booking engines allow you to automate quotes and streamline this process. If these tools are also connected to a PMS, it’s the perfect combination!

Besides saving time for your team, you also prevent errors that could come from manually transferring information between systems. 

Benefits of an AI Reservation Agent include:

  • 24/7 availability with immediate responses;
  • booking quote comparisons with OTAs;
  • multilingual interaction with travelers;
  • full time reservation team is unnecessary.

Want to learn more about the leading AI Reservation Agent in the hospitality industry? Talk to one of our specialists and learn more about Asksuite’s Reservation Agent.

2. Streamline the check-in process

Anticipating the check-in process allows guests to do it seamlessly without waiting in line when arriving at your hotel. This not only improves the guest experience but also reduces the workload on front desk staff.

To make it even better, you can automate and personalize check-in messages to all your future guests. Using AskFlow, Asksuite’s newest solution, along with a PMS, you can:

  • send all check-in instructions;
  • call guests by their names;
  • emphasize their booking period;
  • choose the best times to send messages. 

3. Enhance the during-stay experience  

You don’t have to wait until your guests depart to get to know how their stay is going – at the same time, you don’t need to employ your staff’s time to ask every guest if they need assistance.

AskFlow, jointly with your PMS, can also send personalized and automated messages to all guests that are currently in your hotel to understand if there’s anything that deserves attention.

By having this close look, you even avoid bad reviews for your hotel and maximize the chances of building  loyalty with customers.

Do you realize how important hotel tech tools are to optimize your operational routine and to provide the best guest experience throughout their journey?

4. Leverage data for more efficient operations

By utilizing guest data and analytics, your hotel can offer tailored experiences and services. Personalizing interactions based on guest preferences and past behaviors helps build stronger relationships and increase guest loyalty.

That’s why it is important to rely on an omnichannel platform that provides dashboards with relevant data. The Asksuite platform provides:

  • conversion rates per channel;
  • interactions per agents and chatbot;
  • initiated chats per time of day;
  • real-time interaction data;
  • SLA metrics;
  • and much more!.

It’s only possible to improve your operation bottlenecks once you can rely on data. 

5. Boost efficiency in check-out and post-stay engagement 

Just as the check-in process can be simplified, so can the check-out. With the same logic, you can send all that info ahead of time, making the process seamless for your guests..

Additionally, as you’ve already engaged with guests during their stay and made sure everything ran smoothly, following up with a post-stay survey is a great way to gather guests’ feedback. 

AskFlow can also assist your team in automating these messages, with the added option of including a voucher for guests who respond to the survey. This voucher can offer  a special deal if they book directly with the hotel. Sounds great, right? What’s more, this strategy helps strengthen guest loyalty while incentivizing more direct bookings!

Are you ready to implement these strategies and elevate your daily operations with the best hospitality technologies? Embracing these tools allows your property to stay competitive in a dynamic industry.

To count on the global leading technology in the hospitality industry, talk to one of our specialists now and discover how Asksuite supports your hotel to achieve astonishing results!



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