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Paula Carreirão

July 31, 2019

self service in hospitality

Top 10 Self-Service Technologies That We All Love to Use



Self-service technologies (SST) allow customers to get a service without interaction with service providers. It is a big part of our lives, regardless you are 6 or 60 years old. Some of these technologies are already well established in the market, while others still fight against resistance.

The truth is that self-service technologies bring many benefits to both customers and businesses. The customer gets what they want faster and easier; business sells more, reduces costs, and improves customer satisfaction, creating a loyalty bond between them.

Even if you don’t love SSTs as I do, you can not deny their presence. And if you are a business owner, you should definitely consider having this technology, if possible, to increase your revenue and make your clients happier.

In this free webinar, we invited two of the best Customer and Guest Service Experts, Shep Hyken and Christine Trippi, to help hoteliers provide a top-class service to your potential guests and customers, combining humans and machines:

Watch the Webinar

Here are my top 10 self-service technologies that I just love to use and that I think might help you and me on a daily basis.

1. Airport self-service

They are part of the journey already: self-service kiosks in airports. Especially loved by travelers with little luggage (which is often my case), they are real time-savers for check-in and baggage drops.

Airport self-service kiosks speed up formalities and take away a lot of the stress involved in the airport environment. With a plane to catch, we don’t want the possibility of missing our flights. We just want to get to our gate fast.

So buckle up and have a nice flight!

2. ATMs

ATMs (Automated Teller Machines) were the first self-service machine introduced to the public. To be exact, the first ATM was introduced into the UK in 1967. They are the best example of a self-service technology that is well established in societies all around the world.

ATMs have made our life much easier. They can be placed in a musical festival or in any street. Nowadays, we take them for granted, hardly considering a time when they didn’t exist. But it took them some time to get our trust.

Yes, we all love a cash machine (when our bank account is not in the red)!


3. Hotel automated service

Slowly but surely, the hotel industry is adopting self-service technology. Many hotels have check-in and check-out kiosks to make guests‘ arrivals more pleasant and less turbulent. More convenient, digital self-service can not be neglected in the modern world.

But kiosks can be quite expensive and they are not the only way to speed up the hotel check-in process. Another way that self-service is being incorporated in hospitality is through automated customer service (chatbots) on hotels’ websites.

Not to mention that pre-stay is a crucial part of the guest experience and can benefit a lot from self-service. Less stress for hotel staff otherwise overloaded with questions and more convenience for the tired guest who has just arrived.

Asksuite chatbot Menu


Just get your key room and enjoy your stay!

Did you know that is possible for hotels to have great automated customer service on Instagram? Asksuite and Instagram are officially integrated! Hotels are able to respond to clients automatically and manage their teams using a single account. Moreover, hotel managers are able to see and control which agent talked to a specific client or sold a service, all while connecting with other channels already integrated with Asksuite, such as Facebook Messenger, Website Chat, and WhatsApp. Look how it works in the video below:

If you are a hotel manager or owner, ask for a demo now:

Book a DEMO

4. Self-ordering technology in restaurants

Self-ordering technology in restaurants is a growing trend. This kind of technology increases operational efficiency as well as improves customer service by taking off the pressure of standing in a queue.

McDonald’s is one of the big names that already adopted self-service technology. Their kiosks have been in test since 2003 in the United States and as of 2020, they will be implemented at all U.S. locations.

So from now on, you may take your own order and add yourself that extra-fries!

5. Self-service gas station

Self-service gas stations are a controversial topic. A self-service gas station is the one where customers fill up their vehicles themselves. Most countries operate self-service gas stations, but not all. In the US, for example, not all states allow it either. However, in Europe, most people prefer self-serve gas stations to full-service gas stations.

There are many economical and social aspects of this subject. I prefer to take Andrew Clark’s funny (and superficial) analysis of this feud: full-service gas stations are for lazy people; self-service for desperate people who are looking for an excuse to get out of their cars!

Full service or self-service: which one are you?

6. Self-service parking

Self-service kiosks make life easier in many scenarios, including airport parking. They allow drivers to check in and out through a fully automated system, helping late passengers to catch their flights.

Specifically to air passengers, the quicker the process to get to the gate is, the better their experience becomes. Making it simple to park the car, passengers feel less stressed and their journey is off to good a start!

No more traffic on the parking plot!

7. Post office technologies

Many Posts all over the world are investing in self-service technologies in order to close the gap between digital and physical. Canada Post and Singapore Post are some examples of it.

I’m not sure if letter mail and post stamps will disappear forever (I do love the nostalgic feeling that they bring), but it is undeniable that the service experience is changing in the post office world. It is great not to have to stay in line just to send a normal package or to be able to track a product that you bought on e-commerce.

Mr.Postman, you don’t need to check if there is a letter for me anymore!

8. Supermarket kiosk

Supermarkets have also started to introduce technology for customers to scan and pay for their shopping. Self-service checkouts are more efficient and clients like them! Besides, they have language options which are great for foreign customers.

Furthermore, those kiosks save time for both customers and employees. Employees can focus on other important tasks, like stocking shelves, and customers skip chatting with strangers while shopping.

Read the code bars, pay and prepare your dinner!

9. Museum and art gallery kiosks

I love museums and art gallery kiosks! They are a simple and fast way to engage clients and make clients’ experiences richer. They can be used in ticketing, wayfinding, interactive exhibits, and guided tour.

Furthermore, the kiosks should be placed in the right spot, to get maximum traffic flow and to be an integrated part of the exhibition. If people don’t understand its purpose, it will be a waste of money.

If you need more information, please press the button!

10. Ticketing kiosks

Another self-service technology that I love is the movie theater kiosks. Theater kiosks can encourage loyalty programs, collect customer data and make theaters more profitable.

Ticketing kiosks are especially great for people that are always late, like me! In a matter of a few minutes, you can select the movie, the showtime, the seat and pay for your ticket. There is no more need to arrive early to guarantee the perfect spot to watch the movie.

Skip line and grab your popcorn!


Self-service technology: fast but not furious!

It’s increasingly difficult to find retail shops, restaurants, and public spaces that don’t utilize self-service technologies in some form.

We all want to get things done fast, without having to stress over how the service will be done. That is why more and more frequently, businesses are implementing self-service applications to improve their customer service and reduce costs.

Besides, if you are still not totally convinced that self-service is the best way to be served, many companies are adopting the combination of self-service technologies with human service. That way, they satisfy both needs: speed and personalized service.

One thing is for sure: do things fast, but don’t make your customers furious!

Wanna learn how chatbots can help your hotel? Check out some of the features here: [Asksuite features]

Do you want to learn how hotels are performing in customer service, sales, and reservations? Asksuite’s 2022 Report offers an insider’s view with data shared by hoteliers worldwide. Download now. It’s free!

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