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Paula Carreirão

May 25, 2021

HOTEL CAST Thomas Finn blog post

Hotel Cast #16: How to Attract Talent in the Hotel Industry with Thomas Finn



More than a year after the pandemic, people are finally getting vaccinated for Covid-19 and the hotel recovery is starting to happen. However, many professionals have left the industry due to the crisis and some hotels are struggling to hire staff now.

So how can hotels attract professionals back to the industry?

This is one of the questions we ask Thomas Finn, a UK industry leader in Revenue Management & Commercial Analytics recruitment and Managing Director at Edwards and Finn, in this episode of Hotel Cast.

Here is what Thomas Finn has to say:

In this episode, we chat about:

  • Thomas Finn’s background and business
  • The current recruitment landscape
  • How to attract professionals back to the hospitality industry
  • How to engage with new talent to cultivate the next generation of hotelier
  • What fundamental skills will be desired in a post-pandemic market

More Hotel Cast Episodes That You’ll Enjoy

Hospitality Recruitment

“What can I do to stand out in a Hospitality Recruitment?”

In this podcast, Jeremy Nichols, Florida’s Top Hospitality Headhunter, gives out-of-this-world tips to candidates to stand out in hospitality recruitment. Working at Gecko Hospitality, FORBES 2018 and 2019 America’s Best Professional Recruiting Firm – Hotels, Resorts, and Country Clubs, Jeremy answers the one million dollar question:

How can a candidate stand out in the recruitment process?

Listen to Jeremy here:

In this episode, we also chat about:

  • Do first impressions still count in recruitment?
  • Which soft skills are the best to have as a hotel professional?
  • Technology and Recruitment: how important it is for a hospitality candidate to be open to the use of technology on a daily basis?
  • How can a recruiter show empathy towards candidates?

Revenue Management Post-Pandemic

In this episode of Hotel Cast, we chat with Pablo Torres, a Spanish Hospitality Expert based in London with 20 years of experience in the hotel industry, about new travel demands and best practices in revenue management.

How can hotels bring more money to the table?

Listen to what Pablo has to say here:

In this episode, we talk about:

  • The types of new segments in travel demand that are emerging now;
  • The fundamentals of good Revenue Management;
  • Best practices/ strategies in Revenue Management;
  • The importance of educating independent hotels on the need for humans and tech working together.

According to Pablo, 85% of hotels still don’t have a Revenue Management System and 50% of the time is spent generating reports.

We ask you the same question Pablo asks his clients: How much money are you missing?

Did you like our Hotel Cast Podcast? Listen to all episodes on Spotify here: [Hotel Cast]



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