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June 9, 2022

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How to increase your hotel email marketing conversion rate



Although social media and other marketing methods have proven effective, hotels receive higher success when communicating with consumers via emails.

Though this marketing style is best suited for hotel and travel accommodations businesses, it’s not an easy process. Your hotel’s website may gain high amounts of traffic due to email marketing but suffer conversion rate-wise.

Optimizing your marketing strategy will allow ad campaigns to be more worthwhile. So, today, we talk about the methods you can use to increase your hotel’s email marketing conversion rates.

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Email marketing conversion rates explained

The conversion rate is the percentage of revenue gained through a marketing campaign. It calculates the advertising costs subtracted by the total earnings and reception.

Your hotel email marketing conversion rate should always be higher than the money and resources invested into a campaign.

If the number is lower, you might be losing money through email marketing. When hotel email marketing is conducted properly, conversion rates will increase.

Hotels can gain a lot by using segmented emails, they can, for instance, raise conversion rates, traffic, and revenue. It has been proven by reports that a segmented email marketing system can help boost hotel conversion rates up to 73%. (Hotel Tech Report).

Recommended: How Can You Turn an Endless Email Demand into Guest Satisfaction?

What are segmented emails?

Essentially, segmented emails are categorized emails that have one specific focus. They can aim at smaller groups or types of email subscribers, as well as campaign categories.

For example, one type of email segment for hotel marketing would be for new members. The segmented email could give new customers exclusive offers and deals for their first booking.

Segmented emails allow you to provide relevant and specifically curated content to your emailing list. This tactic will help you avoid confusing or upsetting your current consumer base.

Segmented emails are the perfect style of email marketing for hotel advertising needs.

How to use segmented emails and establish relevance

Now that you know what segmented emails are, here is how to utilize them. Balance is key regarding each category of a segmented email.

You shouldn’t create too many segments because that disrupts the balance of your email strategy. Stick to a few segmented headlines that can be used for long periods of time.

Some ideas for hotel marketing include: deals for long-term customers, offers for first-time customers, first-time travelers, and those within the area.

Tracking customer data is easy through your website. Data collections from cookies, surveys, and accounts will provide you with insights.

These insights allow you to decide which segmented emails should be sent to specific subscribers on your hotel’s email list.

Segmented emails and Artificial Intelligence

This process can easily be conducted by AI software. AI programming will be able to configure a prediction of which emails are best suited for each subscriber.

After analyzing your hotel’s email marketing data, you can also determine which segment categories to create. This step is crucial for establishing relevance, and mastering your email segmentation strategy, and approach.

Follow-up emails

After you’ve conducted an email campaign and followed the segmented email strategy, it’s time to send follow-up emails.

Follow-up emails are important because they play a huge role in quality customer service. These emails update customers and make them feel remembered and appreciated. They also give customers an incentive to book a hotel room at your company in the future.

Follow-up emails also lead to other positive factors like 5-star reviews, a strong reputation, and a rise in conversion rates. Give guests the opportunity to give feedback after their stay.

“Checking in on your subscriber list is a necessary step after members have booked rooms and have provided feedback. Follow-up emails are an incentive for current clients to continue supporting your business,” says Cassandra Ward, email marketer at Australianreviewer and Viawriting.

Recommended: Hotel Booking Follow-Up: Why Should You Invest in This Sales Strategy?

Automated emails for new subscribers & pre-arrival messages

When a customer signs up for your email list after viewing the deals on your hotel’s website, they should immediately be sent an automated email.

Speaking of hotels’ websites, Episode #24 of hotel cast features industry specialist Harry Fielder, and he shared valuable insights about the Core Principals of Hotel Website Success. Hit play!

These instant emails help inform new guests of what your hotel has to offer. Though they may have looked at your website, an automated email can help further educate guests on their options.

This initial impression is the foundation for building long-term relationships with your hotel’s email subscriber list. Along with automated emails for new subscribers, they are also useful to send after a guest’s visit.

The last type of automated email you’ll want to send hotel guests is right before their stay. This type of email is almost always the best performing revenue-wise. This is because visitors want to know all of the details regarding their stay at your hotel.

Since most guests will have that mindset, they will most likely click on the automated email, providing further email traffic. Automated emails are perfect to mix into segmented email marketing campaigns.

Our E-book How hotel marketing channels can help you win online direct bookings talks about email marketing strategies you don’t want to miss out on. It’s free to download.

Upsell extras before guests arrive

Within your automation emails, you can include further offers that guests can purchase. Some guests may desire more accommodations during their stay at your hotel.

These can include a room upgrade, access to more food options, and VIP parking. This method will allow you to increase revenue, and make hotel email marketing worthwhile.

Your hotel email marketing conversion rate

These effective practices will help increase your hotel email marketing convection rate over time.

It’s important to first value your customers over everything. The better you treat your customers, the more likely they will be to book a room at your hotel.

If you want to know more about Asksuite’s newest upgrade, an omnichannel email integration, you can watch this free webinar by clicking anywhere on the banner below:

hotel email marketing conversion rate

Give all guests offers and deals to convince them to support your business. These offers will help establish customer loyalty and result in returning clients.

Segmented emails that are specific to certain archetypes of customers will also lead to success as well. These methods increase your hotel marketing conversion rates because they work towards generating more sales, and long-term performance.

About the author: Writer Madeline Miller works for both Essay Writing Services and Assignment Services. Madeline writes about business marketing and also works at  Best essay writing services.



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